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Dr. Lebo's Approach

I believe in a straightforward approach to dentistry. First, I conduct a thorough examination, and then I openly communicate with my patients. My goal is to explain the diagnosis, present various treatment options, and discuss the associated risks and benefits using language that everyone can understand. I take pleasure in visually sharing patients' X-rays and intra-oral photos, allowing them to see and understand the findings firsthand.

When it comes to your dental care, I strive to remain unbiased. Ultimately, it is your mouth, your health, your time, and your money. Shouldn't the decision-making process also be yours? My role is to provide you with sufficient information so that you can make a decision that aligns with your lifestyle, addresses your concerns, and helps you achieve your goals.

Why Holistic Dentistry 

Holistic dental practice is constructed upon the following principles:


  • Do No Harm

  • Never treat when you can prevent or heal instead

  • When you must treat, provide technical excellence using minimally invasive methods and non-toxic materials

  • Employ safeguards to protect against exposure to known toxins like mercury

  • Use treatments that stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal



Biocompatibility Testing

Environmental sensitivity or allergy is a well know immune system phenomenon that may cause problems throughout the body. You can be sensitive to food, you can be sensitive to chemicals in the environment, and you can be sensitive to the materials used to restore your teeth.


Most dentists believe that if a material carries an FDA “Seal of Approval” that it is safe and effective for everyone. However, the approval process for dental materials has very little to do with long-term safety.


Rather, the process focuses on esthetics of the product, its strength and durability when placed in the mouth and its ease of use by the dentist. When appropriate or when requested, I may refer patients to utilize the Clifford Materials Reactivity Testing (CMRT) to help identify which of the 6300 available dental products are best tolerated by their immune system. The Clifford Test may be useful for any patient who desires the peace of mind that comes from knowing the dental materials placed in their mouth will be well tolerated by their immune system. In addition, several groups of people may derive special benefits from the added safety of materials reactivity testing:


  • People with a history of dental material compatibility problems

  • People with severe immune system compromise

  • People with identified autoimmune diseases or conditions

  • People with endocrine, liver or kidney problems

  • People with environmental illness

  • People with severe allergies

  • People with known sensitivity to jewelry, watchbands, clothing fasteners

  • People who receive daily doses of numerous medications

  • People facing high-cost, complex dental restoration

  • People previously treated by multiple unrelated healthcare professionals

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